NCSL REC Info Spring 2025

NCSL REC Info Spring 2025

NCSL-REC (U10-U19 born in 2006-2015)

Description: Teams in our NCSL-REC age groups (U10-U19) play refereed games against other clubs in the Northern Virginia area. U10 teams and players will play up a year to U11. Most games are local to Chantilly. New this season: registration is by team only. Individual players can sign up on a wait list and placed on a team if one is available or form a new team if enough age group eligible players and a coach is available. Teams are responsible for their coach, collecting payment, and providing their own equipment. Teams ages U10-U12 (9 v 9 on small-sided fields) should have a minimum of 12 players when registering; Teams U13-U19 (11 v 11 on full-sided fields) should have a minimum of 14-16 players when registering. The club can help with players should there be players on the wait list available for placement. Coaches are volunteer, have undergone a criminal background check by the club, are current with the Safesport certification. Practices are 2x/week. NCSL-REC teams play 8 games-4 home games and 4 away games. Most games are on Saturdays (some occasionally on Sunday) against clubs local to Northern Virginia. Reminder: players can play up an age group but can't play down. The oldest player on the team will determine which age group the team plays in. 


  • 8 Saturday league games (4 home/4 away) in NCSL-REC* starting 4/5/25. No game Easter weekend (4/19 & 4/20) & no games over Memorial Day weekend (5/24-5/26). Last game: 6/7. Rain dates (if games can't be rescheduled during the season) 6/8, 6/14, 6/15.
  • 8 weeks of practice* (2x/week) starting week of 3/31/25 (or earlier if field space available). Days, times, and locatiins TBD depending on coaching availability;
  • Access to the club's TeamSnap account for scheduling and notifications. 
  • Red practice t-shirt for each player (additional practice shirts can be purchased for $18/shirt). 
  • Spring fee.
    • Team:
      • $1200 (U10-U12);
      • $1400 (U13-U19);
      • Teams with out-of-county players will be assessed an additional $50/out-of-county player.
    • Individual: $150 ($50 deposit due to be placed on wait list) Balance due when placed on a team. 

Not included: Uniform Kit ($95/player- link will be sent to the team coach)**; Fairfax County Field User Fees for out-of-county players($50.00/player), Post-season REC tournament; extra FC Dulles practice shirts ($18/ea), and player's equipment including soccer cleats, shin guards, soccer ball, and a water bottle.



  • 11 v 11 Full-sided U13 - U19 (2006-2012) age groups Closed
  • **9 v 9  Small-sided U10 - U12 (2013-2015) age groups*Closed

Individual (wait list):

  • 11 v 11 Full-sided U13 - U19 (2006-2012) age groups Closed
  • 9 v 9  Small-sided U10 - U12 (2013-2015) age groups*** Closed

*Weather permitting and the fields are open and playable. Schedule subject to change depending on # of registrants and coach and field availability. There are no make-up sessions for canceled NCSL-REC practices. NCSL-REC games may be re-scheduled depending on coach and field availability.

**Uniform kits to be distributed at the first practice sessions. Please note: Individual sign-up players who purchased the royal blue FC Dulles Grassroots/REC uniform kit in a prior season may need to purchase a new uniform if placed on a team with a conflicting number. 

*** The U10 and U11 Age groups may be combined depending on the # of players registered and coaches available